Saturday, March 31, 2012

"Vintage Rose" Granny Round Crocheted Dishcloth

While I was shopping for groceries not long ago, I saw a set of Easter hand towels and snatched them up for the hope chest. I knew they would just match the colors of these dishcloths.

This "Vintage Rose" crocheted granny round dishcloth has a very simple raised center and is crocheted from my latest pattern. Because the center might be a little tricky for some, this post includes a tutorial with extra pictures. But, if you want the pattern without all the interruptions, just follow the link to print the instructions from a pdf pattern.

Size: 8 ½ inch diameter

Materials: 100% Cotton Worsted Weight Yarn, Color A (yellow), Color B (rose pink), Size G crochet hook

Flower Center
Foundation ring: With Color A (yellow), ch 4. Join with a sl st in first chain to form ring.

Row 1: Ch 3. (Counts as first dc.) Make 14 dc in ring. Join with a sl st in top of chain 3. (15 dc.)

Row 2: Ch 1, sc in same stitch. Ch 4. Skip next dc. * Sc in next dc, ch 4, skip next dc.* Repeat between ** around. Join with sl st to first sc. Finish off and weave in the end. (8 ch-4 spaces.)

Flower Petal Rounds
Row 3: With the right side facing, and keeping the ch-4 loop in front of the hook, cast on with the Color B (pink) in any skipped dc from row 2.

Ch 3, 2 dc in same stitch. Ch 1. Make (3 dc, ch 1) in each skipped dc around, keeping the ch-4 loop in front of the hook. Join with a sl st to the top of beg ch-3.

Row 4: Ch 3, dc in same stitch as joining. 2 dc in next 2 dc, skip ch 1. Make 2 dc in each dc around, skipping each ch-1 space. Join with sl st to the top of beg ch-3.

Row 5: Ch 3, dc in same stitch as joining. Ch 2. Skip next stitch. (2 dc, ch 2, skip next stitch) around. Join with sl st in top of beg ch-3. Sl st in next dc and in ch-2 space.

Row 6: Ch 3, 2 dc in space at bottom of chain. Ch 1. (3 dc, ch 1) in each ch-2 space around. Join with sl st to the top of beg ch-3. Sl st in next 2 dc and in ch-2 space.

The picture below shows the ending of row 6. The hook is pointing at the join in the top of the ch 3 and the slip stitches in the next 2 dc and in the space. It also shows the rising ch 3 of row 7.

Row 7: Ch 3, 2 dc in space at bottom of chain. Ch 1. (3 dc, ch 1) in each ch-1 space around. Join with sl st to the top of beg ch-3.

Edging Scallops
Row 8: Sl st in next dc. * 4 dc in next ch-1 space. Skip next dc, sc in next dc.* Repeat between ** around. Join with sl st in beg sl st.

Fasten off and weave in ends. Lightly steam the dishcloth with a steam iron held just above the fabric. This helps set the stitches and gives a nice finish to the dishcloth, especially if you intend to give it as a gift. I'm feeling very pleased with how the pattern turned out. I hope you like it...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Simple "Granny Round" Crocheted Dishcloth

Here is a new "granny round" crochet dishcloth pattern. I call it granny round because the stitches are so like the granny squares, but, obviously, the dishcloth is round in shape. It just makes for a change from a square dishcloth. I made this set to go with the yellow celery rose printed apron and yellow rose printed dishtowels. The pattern works up pretty quick. I hope you enjoy it!

Size: 8 ½ inch diameter

Materials: Worsted weight cotton yarn, Size G crochet hook

Row 1: Ch 4. Join with sl st to form ring. Ch 2 (counts as first sc). Make 13 sc in ring. Join with sl st to top of chain 2. (14 sc)

Row 2: Ch 4 (counts as first dc + ch 1). Dc in next sc. Ch 1. (Dc, ch 1) in each sc stitch around. Join with sl st in third chain of beginning stitch.

Row 3: Ch 3. Dc in space below. Ch 1. (2 dc, ch 1) in each ch 1 space around. Join with sl st in top of beginning ch 3. Sl st in next stitch and in the ch 1 space.

Row 4.  Ch 3. 2 dc in space below chain. Ch 1. (3 dc, ch 1) in each ch 1 space around. Join with sl st in top of beginning ch 3.

Row 5. Ch 3. Dc in next 2 dc. Ch 1. Dc in ch 1 space. *Dc in next 3 dc. Ch 1. Dc in ch 1 space.* Repeat between ** around. Join with sl st to top of beginning ch 3.

Row 6: Ch 3. Dc in same stitch as joining. Ch 1. Make 2 dc in next ch 1 space. Ch 1. *skip next 2 stitches. 2 dc in next stitch. Ch 1. 2 dc in next space. Ch 1.* Repeat between ** around. Join with sl st in top of beginning ch 3. Sl st in next stitch and in space.

Row 7: Ch 3. 2 dc in space below. Ch 1. *(3 dc, ch 1) in next ch 1 space.* Repeat between ** around. Join with sl st in top of beginning ch 3.

Row 8: Sl st in next stitch. *5 dc in ch 1 space. Skip next dc. Sl stitch in next dc.* Repeat between ** around. Join with a sl st in beginning sl st. Fasten off. Weave in ends.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

4-H Home Ec School

Miss Abigail and I just returned from three wonderful days of Home Ec School. Our state 4-H office hosts this program every year during Spring Break and they do a fabulous job of it. We travel and sleep on the floor of a high school gym (boys sleep in a different part of the building!) The kids attend activity tracks based on the home economics projects in our state 4-H curriculum. This year Abigail was enrolled in the food track and she loved it. She learned more about food preservation and canning and also enjoyed a section on gifts from the kitchen. Abigail also loves to have friends around her, so she had lots of fun participating in the games and activities on both evenings. One favorite evening activity was yoga instruction in the dim lights with glow sticks!

And then we came home to house guests! My oldest son and his wife came to visit and brought this sweet, sweet grandson. Our second son and his wife traveled up to visit as well. What a blessing children are!

I went along as a chaperon for our county kids and was able to crochet for much of the weekend, so I now have a new granny square and a couple of new "granny round" crochet dishcloth patterns that I will share soon. I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to take advantage of a wonderful program such as Home Ec School. I know some of you are also involved in 4-H. Are these kinds of programs are available in other places? What do you all do with 4-H?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Hannah, at These Little Hands tagged me with several questions to answer. Because I'm not hardly given enough time at the library to respond to tagging, I hope she doesn't mind if I don't pass it along. But, I thought I could take just a minute to respond to her questions. Also, recently, Michele included me in her list of blog favorites. Just so you all know, I'm really pleased to be anyone's favorite, and I really wish I had the Internet at home -it would be fun to play some of these blog games. So, I hope you'll also take a moment to visit Michele's lovely homemaking blog at Simply Scaife Family Farm. She's very industrious and I'm always impressed with how much she gets done.

1. What is your earliest memory?
You all don't know that my memory has become the family joke. I understand that you have to get through menopause before the situation begins to correct and then you start downhill into old age. Sigh. I have very happy memories of playing with my older brother and sister. We were all very close in age, but I was the youngest and tagged along the best I could. I remember Bart and Leigh riding bikes with me trying to keep up on the tricycle and crying because they wouldn't wait for me. Now isn't that sad! ;o}
2. Have you ever cried from joy? Tell us the story!
When the first of my children got married, I felt pure joy and cried and cried and couldn't stop crying for joy. This event represented the culmination of many of my goals - to bear and rear children, to teach them the gospel, to homeschool, to see them safely on their own.Two more of our children are married now and I felt the same joy, but thankfully didn't cry so much. When I saw a grandson, newly born into the world - I cried because he looked so much like his daddy - my own son.
3. What is your favorite song to sing while you work, drive, or are alone?
"Redeemer of Israel"
4. What color are the walls of your room?
Off-white paint. I know its kind of boring...
5. What are your favorite hobbies right now?
Gosh, all of you see my hobbies worked out before your eyes! You may not know that I love to read Victorian mystery novels, however. Anne Perry is my very favorite author and I like the Mary Russell series by Laurie King also. Ellis Peters is also a favorite author and P.C. Doherty.
6. If you could change the color of prison bodysuits, what would you change them to?
Green. Just in case I ever had to wear one, it would be my favorite color.
7. Where do you see yourself in five years? 
In five years, Miss Abigail will be eighteen years old. I see myself really busy trying to prepare her to leave home for college, perhaps. Or something along those lines. If she remains at home, I see myself doing pretty much the same things, except maybe I'll have a chance to study the scriptures a little more. I look forward to the time when I can do that. --and play my violin again. Maybe I would have time to paint my bedroom walls a different color.
8. Sweater or blouse?
Blouse, certainly!
9. What is the strangest thing you've ever eaten?
Moose salami.
10. Spontaneous road trip! Who do you take and where do you go?
I don't much like to drive, but I've always wanted to see New England. I'd rather not drive there. Of course I would take Miss Abigail, we're hardly ever apart. My husband would have to stay home to do all the chores!
11. Do you prefer to stay in or go out?
Go out. I love to eat out in restaurants. ;o)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

In My Workbasket

I just started a new embroidery project - pillowcases for the hope chest. I've been mostly crocheting lately, because crochet is so easy to take along, and it seems like I'm always going someplace these days. But I've been feeling like a little embroidery, so here is the new project. I know, dishtowels are still in my basket as well, but I just didn't feel like working on them - does that ever happen to you? I guess that's why I have a BIG workbasket (actually a drawer!)  Embroidery takes a bit more time, so don't look for the finished pillowcases anytime too soon...