Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pictures of the Quick Hope Chest

I finished most of what was on my list on the second day, but made some dumb time mistakes. So, the weekend hope chest turned out to be a three-day hope chest, rather than two. Just think in terms of a three-day weekend. I am very pleased with the results - except for that horrible bleached apron, which I will report on, but I think I'll show you my successes first! Here are the projects I completed:

1 dozen dishtowels--
Raw-edge Applique
Dyed and tucked, with button embellishment
Dyed and stenciled
Simple hemmed homespun, baby rick-rack, button magnets

10 hand towels along with a crocheted towel tender--
Printed, simple lace trim, yo-yos and crocheted chain daisies

2 V-stitch crocheted dishcloths--

5 refrigerator magnets--
Antique white button daisies and that cute baby is my grandson!

1 decorated binder--
for collected menus and associated recipes

1 set of quilted place mats and napkins--

 1 set of embellished bed sheets--
Simple "beading" eyelet lace threaded with grosgrain ribbon

 2 pair of pillowcases--
One is a simple cotton print and the other has a simple ribbon trim

1 set of embellished bath towels--

1 couch quilt--
Flannel "rag" style quilt - it still needs to be washed and fluffed!

1 birthday set--
A birthday table runner and  birthday banner

I am really glad to have some of these things finished. I work from a personal list of things that I want to do before I feel like Abigail's hope chest is finished and she now has at least one set of bed sheets and some bath towels. Each person will have different needs for her hope chest. My idea of a quick hope chest just reflects projects that could be done quickly, especially if one is thinking of creating a gift. It takes some thought to come up with a list of items that would suit each individual.

I think a very basic hope chest would include at least one kitchen set (with an apron, 7 dishtowels, 4-7 hand towels, 7 dishcloths, and a set of hot pads) a recipe box or binder with favorite recipes from home, a tablecloth or set of place mats, two sets of bed sheets and two sets of bath towels.The number of linens reflects a need to have enough to last until you could get the laundry done. Other important items, in my mind, include at least a lap quilt, a first-aid kit with a basic first aid book, basic kitchen drawer items like a small hammer, screw drivers, etc. Holiday things like Christmas ornaments and a basic family history and scrapbook are also important to me. Obviously, some things may need to be saved for and purchased, such as basic dishes, silverware and pots and pans.

I know people wonder why I am doing this. People ask me if I don't trust that Abigail will receive any wedding gifts and I laugh and say that I am hopeful that she will. But, who knows when she might get married and what those gifts might be and sometimes they can be pretty random. This is my gift - and along the way I hope I am teaching her to look ahead, to value creating a home, to develop skills, to be creative and to "prepare every needful thing."  Taking responsibility to prepare for a future need is simple wisdom. None of us knows what the future holds and if Abigail's need is not as great as the preparation, she will have an excess to share.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Update on the Quick Hope Chest

I should be busy at home on the second day of the quick hope chest, but honestly could not find two days in a row for some time yet. I am frustrated by what this says about my life right now! I think May is the busiest month of the year, even considering Christmas. I finally decided that I just needed to get started yesterday and will finish up on Friday - God willing! I have to take my weekends on odd days, I guess. I did think you might be interested to know that I started, at least.

I began working at 7:00 a.m. and finished Day One when my husband drove up at 6:00 p.m. It was a long day, hunched over the cutting table, measuring, marking, and cutting. But I took a lunch break and stopped for a few minutes in the afternoon. Everything on my list is now cut out and marked and I got a head start on the fun. A few items are finished, including the set of bath towels, one set of appliqued dishtowels, the recipe binder and the fridge magnets (these are very cute!) A few items are more than half-finished. I also crocheted a dishcloth during our regular Tuesday night TV show. The rest of the items on the list are neatly stacked next to the sewing machine, awaiting Day Two.

I did have one COLOSSAL fail! The bleached apron project took an unexpected turn! My husband expects me to report this failure, in the interest of full disclosure, but it will require a separate post, as well as a picture, to explain...