Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Peek Inside - Golden Books

Hi all! I wanted to show some of the books that I've saved in Miss Abigail's hopechest. Books are on my mind, I guess. We're ready to start school and I've been sorting and planning and organizing.  I know, I know - I promised to be more regular about posting after the county fair. But, remember - I am an "old momma"! I needed just a bit of a vacation. Abigail is starting high school work this year and the logistics of planning and organizing are more complicated. I've been through it before and I know it will be okay, but for some reason, I'm fussing about it. I will mention that this year marks 21 years of homeschooling for me. Just so you know that I'm a pro at fussing...

Anyway - these are a couple of Abigail's favorite Golden Books. You can tell she loved them!

Abigail's daddy read her the Good Night Little Bear book almost every night for a long time. Every time he got to this page, Abby would be stiff with anticipation over the mouse in the wood box and when Kerry would read "EEEEK!" Abigail would giggle and giggle. Every night. And then the whole family would laugh. Fun memories. I hope she will enjoy sharing these books with her own children.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

County Fair

Miss Abigail did very well at the Santa Fe County Fair this last week. In fact, she can hardly contain her happiness at winning a coveted buckle for all her work on her indoor exhibits. Reserve High Point winner! She took 47 exhibits this year, including many arts and crafts projects. Seventeen of her 4-H exhibits were recommended for our State Fair next month. Usually fair officials provide a plaque for the indoor high point awards, but this year they awarded buckles and she is so excited to have one, maybe you can tell from the picture. ;o) Here are some other highlights of the fair...

Abigail was very brave to take one of our Shetland rams to the sheep show this year. This guy is named Romeo and is tame enough (and old enough...) to attempt the show. She also showed two Finns in the ewe class. The judge was very complimentary. She was the only exhibitor in the breeding classes. We continue to work on increasing the interest in this project.

Now that the fair is finished, I should be able to return to posting a little more regularly - hopefully! Thanks for being patient.