Friday, January 25, 2013

A Peek Inside - Garnishing Tools

Miss Abigail recently received this beautiful set of garnishing tools for her hope chest. Of course, she may use them right away and I'm already looking for an instructive book about garnishing. There is a triangular knife in the set that will make zig-zag edges on a cut melon sooo much easier. What a great gift! Many thanks to Miss Isobel!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Peek Inside - Abigail's Wool Mittens and Socks

I have saved some of Miss Abigail's baby clothing, books and toys for the hopechest. My thought is that Abigail can use them with her own children someday. Since it is now January, and sooooo cold outside, I thought I would show you these little socks and mittens. These were knitted for Miss Abigail when she was just a wee girl by her Aunt Camille, who probably also spun the yarn, since she is a handspinner as well as a knitter. Lovely, aren't they?

BTW, I looked at my last posted date and feel shocked. January is really whizzing by quickly! I am really not just lazy about this blog. I do have some fun things to show and I have been busily working on hopechest things, but I am right in the middle of changing computers and learning new software. And, sometimes time just gets away from me! Plus, we are still not connected to the Internet at home, so I have to drive to the library to post anything. And at this time of year, I just don't get around as much as I do when the weather is warmer. (Do you hear those violins playing? They're beautiful...) ;o)