Thursday, October 6, 2011

An Addition to the Family

There is no work going on with Miss Abigail today and probably not tomorrow either. You can see why. A new puppy trumps everything! For a girl who is a bit distracted at the best of times, this little bundle makes doing math impossible. She did get her piano practice in, barely! This little female Border Collie doesn't have a name yet. We are still discussing that. I had forgotten how difficult puppies can be - I may have to take maternity leave from everything I do as well.


  1. Aw!! How cute! Puppies are definitely a 'great' excuse to get away from math!! hehe! Sorry, you probably don't want to tell Abby I said that! lol!

    Lady had 11 pups, and we have 4 left.. so, yeah. We're kind of in the same predicament. Or math is any way....

  2. Surely pet care can be worked into the curriculum? Sounds like a valid excuse for some down time! And the dog is beautiful, what fun!

  3. Yeah! How fun! Make sure you tell us what the new name is when you decide. :)

    Mr. Mower trained his sheep dogs correct?

  4. bellissimo il tuo cane con amorevole.
