Monday, February 27, 2012

Fabric Printing Demonstration

As part of her 4H project work, Miss Abigail gave a demonstration of celery rose printing in a recent meeting of the Stanley Homemakers Club. I think the ladies enjoyed it. I just wanted to show how creative one can be with this technique. After her demonstration, Abigail invited the ladies to try printing with celery on a plain white dishtowel. You can see that each of the ladies who made a dishtowel were somewhat unique in their interpretation.

I made a towel to match the one Abigail made, so that she would have a set for the hope chest.


  1. She looks so grown up! I can't believe it.

    I can't wait to try doing some dishtowels of my own, this looks fun!

  2. Wow, those turned out lovely!!!! Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
