Monday, August 22, 2016

A Milestone: College for Miss Abigail

Well, today is a milestone for both Miss Abigail and I. Abigail is starting classes at the community college in Santa Fe and I'm finished with homeschooling. What a change for both of us. She is excited and a little nervous and I am kind of heartbroken that my serious, hands-on mothering is at an end. All of my children are adults! Honestly, if it were possible, I think I'd have another baby and begin again. This is the first time in 24 years that I'm not beginning a year of homeschooling! That was quite a commitment and Abby is the last little chick to try her wings. I'm so proud of Abigail. She's such a sweetheart and we're excited to see what the future holds for her now. Excuse me while I go find some chocolate!


  1. How exciting for Abby! I can kinda understand how you're feeling with the end of homeschooling. After almost 16 years of my life as a student it was so weird and such a huge adjustment to stop going to school. I was used to measuring the passage of time by semesters and my progress in life with grades. It will be fun to see what new adventures you find to fill the hole left in your life by this change!

    1. YES! I had an email from Sonlight (a homeschool curriculum vendor)reminding me that it was August and did I "know where my schoolbooks were?" That was startling as this is the first year in sooo long that I didn't have to worry about curriculum. Of course we did have to pay about $500 at the college bookstore. Yikes!

  2. Congratulations to Abigail. What an exciting time for her. I'm sure she'll do great at college and I hope she loves every minute of it.

    Tears for you, Kathleen. I remember when Brenna left for BYU-I and how lost I felt -- and we weren't even homeschooling! I'm sure you'll find other wonderful activities to fill your time.

  3. Our youngest went away to college too! Our homeschooling days came to an abrupt end eight years ago when my husband lost his job and I had to go to work. It was heart-wrenching to say the least, I was so not ready to put my two little boys into public school. But they made it all right and have turned out well. Congrats to Abigail and best wishes for her success. All of a sudden I'm spending more time in my sewing room, it's great!

  4. Wishing all the best to Abigail and to you too! You will both do great, I am sure.
    Have some more chocolate :)

  5. Congratulations to you both!


  6. Aw, how bittersweet!! Best wishes to both of you!

  7. Oh Kathleen, transitions are hard and I can relate. The really wonderful thing is, as we let go (albeit reluctantly) of one season we open up to the next adventure God has for us. So many good things to come! I'm excited for Abby & for you!

  8. Thank you ladies! I appreciate the commiseration and the encouragement. Here's to new adventures and chocolate! ;o)

  9. What classes is Miss Abigail taking, and what does she want to do? I have been following your blog with great interest and enthusiasm for years!

    1. Mary - I'm glad you've enjoyed the blog! Abigail is taking her very general beginning classes - math, english composition, public speaking and a college success class. Because we homeschooled, she has to get those pesky pre-requisites out of the way. That, actually is the goal for this year, as she wants to transfer to a small college in eastern Arizona next year. It's so much cheaper to get basic classes locally, where it is cheaper! Thanks for your interest.

  10. Congratulations on YOUR graduation from homeschooling ~ its a strange transition but you quickly get used to all your extra crafting time! I will be praying for the transition for you both! donna

    1. Thanks you Donna! You're sweet and I know you know how it is. I appreciate the prayers.
