Monday, December 30, 2019

Hello everyone! I just wanted to post a picture of Miss Abigail and me. She is all grown up now as you might imagine. Abigail turned 21 on her last birthday! That's hard for me to believe, but there you are. Today is my own birthday and it is a big one - 60 years! Time flies and because it does, I have set a New Year's resolution to finish the hope chest this year.

I have worked on it occasionally in the past couple of years, even though I haven't posted here. There are still a number of things I want to include though and I will try to post more often in case anyone is still interested in how it has turned out.

I still get regular emails from those of you who are interested in the tutorials and patterns that I've shared. Thanks so much for your continued enjoyment of these things that bring me pleasure also.

Stay tuned. The next project in my "in basket" is an easy table runner with a musical theme. Hopefully something easy will get me back in the groove and on to the harder projects that I have left - like the quilts! Abigail is now an accomplished pianist and sings in both the college and the church choirs. She also directs a church choir. All of that just makes me so happy.


  1. Oh yay to hear from you! I turn 60 in Jan. A lot of evaluating going on!

  2. What a wonderful surprise to get an update from you and Abigail. Happy Birthday!! The truly amazing thing is today is my birthday too--I'm 62. I've met very few people who share this birthday. May the New Year be a productive one for you. God bless you and yours!

  3. What a great surprise to see your post! Happy New Year! I can't wait to see what you post next. We seem to have some similarities. I will be 67 in four months and my daughter just turned 26, She also is an accomplished pianist amd singer. She now makes her living teaching piano and voice. :)

  4. I have enjoyed this journey right along with you. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Your blog has been such a blessing to me and my four growing daughters. Thank you for sharing so generously!
