Saturday, May 9, 2020

Graduation - Associate Degree from Eastern Arizona College

Miss Abigail was born into a homeschooling family. Not all homeschoolers plan to go to college, but that was always the possible plan.  When you are a homeschool mom, you hope your children can get into college and manage to keep up. You hope that you could do at least an adequate job and I just crossed my fingers that it would be enough. My last little chick proved she could do it. That makes four out of four! Hooray! Abby had to work pretty hard to make up for my deficiencies and I am just as proud as I can be of her accomplishments. Now on to nursing school.

We observed her "virtual" commencement ceremony last night - her name was flashed on a screen! But here is a beautiful picture and I love that wide smile!


  1. Congrats! What a wonderful accomplishment.

  2. How wonderful! Wishing her all the best on this next leg of her journey.

    Darlene P.S. I think she has a great smile, too!
