Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cotton Print Pillowcases

I sewed these pillowcases from a pretty cotton print fabric for Miss Abigail's hope chest and then embellished them with a simple crocheted trim. The pattern for the crochet trim came from 111 Easy Edgings by Leisure Arts (#2924). The pillowcases have been sewn for some time and the crocheted lace also, but, because it requires hand sewing, I've been far too slow to get the trim sewn on. So, they went into the bedside basket I made for after my surgery. Hooray that I have them finished now.

My mother-in-law included a set of cotton print pillowcases in the fabulous wedding gift she made for my husband and I so many years ago. I loved those pillowcases. Of course they are long worn out by now, but the printed fabric hid the wear extremely well and the fabric just became softer after every wash. I am always on the lookout for cotton prints that feel smooth and seem to say "pillowcase" to me. One can never have enough extra pillowcases!


  1. These are so beautiful! How do you so the already made edgings on the pillow cases? With needle and thread? I have that book, but still trying to figure out the best way to attach an edging. Thank you. Becca

  2. oops! how do you sew, not so. :-)

  3. Becca, I use a needle and thread (in this case, doubled embroidery thread since I could match the color better) to take small stitches at the "points" of the lace and also in the middle. I tried to keep as much thread between the lace and the fabric so that it would show too much on the inside of the hem.
