Thursday, September 3, 2015

Hope Chest Planning Book

In a recent post I mentioned that I have a hope chest planning book. I am a list maker. I sometimes don't follow the list because I'm also creative and change plans at the drop of a hat, but I love to make lists and I love to cross things off a list. So this ordinary composition book is where I've kept all my plans for Miss Abigail's hope chest.

This is the inside front cover. Some years ago, I made a list of categories for items in a hope chest. You can find the list on the side-bar of this blog. I also have a list of categories for skills that I hope Miss Abigail will learn. I think we are making pretty good progress!

On the pages inside I have a list of items that I want to make for each kitchen set, planned table linens, bed linens and bath linens. Plus lists for other specialized sets, like a first aid kit, sewing basket and supplies (done - yay!), craft tools, gardening and canning tools, practical books, family history records / scrapbooks and holiday decorations. For example, I want to make a picnic set with a picnic basket or cooler, a picnic blanket and a picnic recipe book. So there is a list for a picnic set. I haven't gotten to it yet, but it is in the book. I also have a list of special pieces that I want to include; a birthday cake plate, candlesticks, a bread cloth, a piece of petrified wood (I won't go into the reason, LOL), a framed picture of Jesus Christ, a Sabbath cookbook and menu book, etc.

I also keep pictures of ideas that I find in magazines and on Pinterest. I'm not a digital person, so I print these out and paste them in my book. I record my own ideas and designs. Trying to illustrate them is often a challenge. I sometimes write recipes or household tips here because the book is a handy place to keep them.

I paste things in. I draw patterns. I keep published patterns stuffed in pockets and taped between pages. I copy out crochet patterns and record those that I design myself. The book is just an all-purpose place to keep my thoughts and ideas of anything related to the hope chest. I also have written inspirational quotes to keep me going.

I'm not sure why these pictures are appearing vertical - sorry!

This inside back cover has a master list again. Just more specific ideas of items that I want to include in the hope chest. So there it is - my hope chest planning / stuff book. I hope it inspires you to make a few lists too.



  1. Wow! You are way more organized than I am! But its fun to plan and create for the future!

  2. Wonderful! This is a treasure for Miss Abigail to cherish forever! I must do something like this for my Victoria-Rose! I am so impressed with how organized you are and how well you have planned. Your notes in your own handwriting will be priceless to your daughter. Your example has touched my heart.

  3. Hah! I LOVE IT that you get the impression that I'm organized! I don't see myself as organized at all. If you could but see the sewing/craft room...I am a dreamer though and as I say, I love to make lists. Truth be told it is (one reason) why I do the blog - because the blog keeps me somewhat accountable to my dreams.

    1. Love it! Perhaps our sewing rooms look like 'sisters'! I am a messy one when I am in the creative zone

  4. I enjoy looking at your post. The pictures are fot me to read your lists. Is there any way you can type them up for us?

    1. Hello Elizabeth, I'm sorry I somehow missed your comment. The list inside the front cover of the planning book is already included on the sidebar of the blog, just under the "followers". The list inside the back cover is a personalized brainstorm list of items. I've always tried to avoid publishing a hope chest list that others might interpret as a standard somehow. Everyone's hope chest would be so different, depending on the young woman and her interests and needs. But I do know that people like to know what others are doing. So, yes I will consider a post that includes our lists. Thanks for asking.
