Saturday, January 2, 2016

Hope Chest Christmas

Miss Abigail received two major gifts for her hope chest this year for Christmas - dishes and flatware. Some months ago, Abby and I went window shopping to see if we could find dishes and silverware that she liked. The parameters were simple. She had to like the patterns (she likes classic looking patterns.) They needed to be of high quality and they needed to be affordable. We went to several stores just to look and we found a flatware pattern that she liked right away - Oneida's "Camlyn" pattern. Abigail likes the contrast between the brushed finish and the shiny. I was happy with Oneida's quality and availability. We looked and looked at dishes. Abigail wanted a neutral color and thought white would work. She liked the idea of Corelle partly because that is what is in my cupboard and because these dishes are so sturdy and lightweight. But the white is very plain and the current patterns just didn't appeal as much. Then we saw these wonderful embossed Corelle dishes in Kohl's and she thought they were just the ticket, but they are so much more expensive than the regular Corelle. We kept looking and found them in Bed, Bath and Beyond as well - equally expensive. So we've just kept looking for all these months and never found anything else that she likes as well. Earlier in December I went shopping for Christmas and lo, and behold Target had this Corelle in stock and it was on sale for a very nice price. Hooray! They also had the Onieda "Camlyn" pattern and it was also on sale. Thankfully, I've been saving money for quite some time for just this purchase and was so pleased to get both the dishes and the flatware for much less than I thought I would have to pay. Thank heaven for tender mercies.


These crystal tumblers were Abigail's hope chest birthday gift this year. She likes the idea of these tumblers as a kind of compromise between everyday sturdy glasses (plastic perhaps) and the fine crystal goblets she has from her grandmother. Both the embossed Corelle and the flatware are fancy enough for dressed up dinners, yet simple enough for everyday. Abigail can also buy additional patterns of Corelle from the open stock to mix and match if she wanted to create a different look or theme. The crystal tumblers really dress up the place setting.

So, there are two very big items crossed of the list. I'm pleased to have that purchase made.


  1. Awesome gifts! I like the idea of mix and match ~ holiday dinners, everyday meals, etc. White dishes can be dressed up or down. I like the blue placemat underneath too! donna

  2. I love Abigail's choices. I received flatware for my 17th birthday from my mother. I still remember walking in the Oneida store with her and picking it out. Awhile back I was looking at it and realized that every meal my family has ever eaten (for the past 40 years no less) has been on that flatware. It has held up wonderfully, I still love the pattern, and I still cherish the memory of shopping for it with my mother. :) I'm sure Abigail will love hers just as much.

  3. Yes! Tender mercies, He is mindful of our needs and desires. Those choices are wonderful. I used Corelle for many years. Most guests to our home were surprised that I used "breakable" dishes and glasses with our small children; I, however, felt that they should learn from a young age to be careful with things, and learn to enjoy proper place settings and gracious living. We moved to rural Iowa sort of in the middle of raising our children and our youngest two have been shocked to see the table manners of their friends, and what their homes look like. They are often wonderful people, but just haven't ever been taught about graciousness or finer living. We have four sons, two of whom are of marriageable age, we hope and pray that they can find someone like Abigail, who is prepared to be and desirous of being a homemaker. Keep up the good work, it gives me hope!

  4. Thanks for the comments ladies! I tried really hard not to influence Abigail too much while still giving her the benefit of my experience. I am so glad that she picked patterns that were practical as well as pretty. Another thing I like about the Corelle is that they are lightweight - making "moving" them so much easier than packing up heavier stoneware.

  5. Abigail has a good eye! Those patterns are lovely!
