Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Embroidery Tip

I'm still working on these embroidered pillowcases. One is finished and this one is now more than halfway completed. Although these have been in my workbasket for some time, for some reason, this set has been so slow...

Here is the tip. Do you see my pincushion? I find dry sponges to be so handy to keep the needles for my embroidery projects. I think dividing the embroidery thread and then threading the needle is such a chore, so I like to do several needles at once. I just cut a regular sized cellulose sponge into smaller pieces and find these perfect for holding many threaded needles. I can even wrap the threads around the sponge to keep them from tangling. It isn't very fancy, but it is cheap and convenient!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cotton Print Pillowcases

I sewed these pillowcases from a pretty cotton print fabric for Miss Abigail's hope chest and then embellished them with a simple crocheted trim. The pattern for the crochet trim came from 111 Easy Edgings by Leisure Arts (#2924). The pillowcases have been sewn for some time and the crocheted lace also, but, because it requires hand sewing, I've been far too slow to get the trim sewn on. So, they went into the bedside basket I made for after my surgery. Hooray that I have them finished now.

My mother-in-law included a set of cotton print pillowcases in the fabulous wedding gift she made for my husband and I so many years ago. I loved those pillowcases. Of course they are long worn out by now, but the printed fabric hid the wear extremely well and the fabric just became softer after every wash. I am always on the lookout for cotton prints that feel smooth and seem to say "pillowcase" to me. One can never have enough extra pillowcases!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Favorite Hot Pads

This version of my favorite hot pads is the last item, other than the apron, to finish the "Kitchen Utensils" set for the hope chest. There are fourteen items in the set and it makes quite a stack. I think I'll be glad to work with some different colors for a change.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Serendipity Hand Towels

Serendipity means "a happy accident" or "a pleasant surprise." A couple of days before my surgery, I just happened to find a set of two terry cloth kitchen towels in just the right colors to match the "Kitchen Utensils" set for the hope chest. I am amazed that the colors are so perfect! I don't plan any more embellishment and am just adding them to the set. Hooray for something easy...

Friday, November 1, 2013

"Blessing Towels"

The day after my last post, I went into the hospital for a surgery to correct an injury to my ankle. Thankfully, after four weeks, I am finally able to put weight on my foot and walk again. Maybe I should say that I am able to move on my own since I still have some work to do before I can call this walking. Still, I am so grateful to be moving without crutches. The Lord is gracious unto me!

Because of the surgery, I've had some down time to do hand work for the hope chest. I finished up the last items for the brown/aqua "Kitchen Utensils" set. Actually, I still need to sew the apron, but alas, not until I can use the foot pedal on the sewing machine again. I've been calling these hand towels the "Blessing Towels." The blessing comes from the Bible, specifically Numbers 6:24-26. I love this blessing and wanted to pass it on to Miss Abigail. A friend of mine saw these towels in TJMaxx and I was so pleased that she snapped them up. The color is perfect and there is a plain weave space amid the waffle weave that is just perfect for cross stitch. I didn't want to put too much cross stitch work into kitchen towels and this alphabet was simple and quick. I really like how the towels turned out.