Thursday, February 11, 2016

Thoughtful Thursday: How to Love Your House

Maybe you've heard people say "I love my house!" Did you ever wonder why? Our society places great value on decorating and remodeling and building equity in our home. People spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours to make a home they can love.

I think what we are really looking for is comfort. Comfort is what we really fall in love with. When we enjoy comfort at home, time to relax in rooms that welcome us and work for us, we come to love the house because we love being at home. Comfort is an individual thing, but it is usually small things that bring home comfort.
  • a pretty edge on a face cloth
  • a favorite chair with a pillow for your back
  • souvenir magnets on the fridge
  • a fuzzy lap throw to snuggle under
  • homemade cookies in a cookie jar
  • a handmade picture frame with a photo of far-away family
  • a pretty set of sheets that feel just right
  • a hand-thrown flower pot your best friend made for you
  • somewhere to stash your keys
  • a favorite soup simmering on the stove
  • a bath towel that is just the right size
This feeling of comfort is the point of the hope chest. When you take a bit of time to prepare ahead those items that you know will bring comfort, you'll fall in love with your house, whatever or wherever it is.


  1. You have covered it succinctly. Also, handmade curtains that are the perfect fit and colors/patterns. Crocheted tie backs for those curtains.

    Hand made always makes a house feel like home.


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